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Top Ten Ways to . . .
Get Rid of a Body!

1. Excarnation
In some cultures, the body was left for scavengers to take care of. No mess. No fuss. (Page 107)

2. Earth Burial
Holes dug in the ground were used by many people for disposing of the deceased although cemeteries (collective burial grounds) were rare. (Page 112)

3. Cremation
Reducing the body to ashes in a great fire is one of the most common disposal methods. (Page 111)

4. Burial at Sea
Placing the dead in boats and sending them out to sea was common among some peoples although the Vikings, a sea-going people, rarely buried their dead at sea. (Page 122)

5. Platform Burial
In many cases, the dead were placed on platforms or in trees. (Page 120)

6. Keep Them Close to Home
Some groups kept important ancestors in jars or other containers inside the house so that they could be consulted on a regular basis. (Page 136)

7. Put Them in Caves or Tombs
Enlarged versions of graves, some natural and others artificial, were used to dispose of the dead. It was thought that since the underworld was underground, the living might as well give the dead a head start on their journey. (Page 116)

8. Mummification
The ancient Egyptian nobility spends enormous amounts of time and energy trying to recreate what the sands of the Sahara did naturally. (Page 89)

9. Cannibalism
The Yanomamo of Brazil and Venezuela cremate their dead and eat the ashes in a soup. (page 130)

10. Self-Mummification
Why wait until you are dead? Preserve yourself now. Some monks of Japan did. (page 95)

Look at the Sky is a delightful discussion of death and how it is dealt with around the world. In addition to looking at many of the ways the dead are disposed of, it also examines attitudes towards death, what happens to the soul and how various cultures handle ghosts. Written for the general reader, Look at the Sky contains very little jargon but has an extensive bibliography for those who want to learn more. Order your copy today. Better yet, buy two. That way, you will still have a copy to read when your friend "borrows" Look at the Sky. Otherwise you might have to keep the book hidden until you finish reading it.

Another Top Ten list.

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